What We Do
‘Your eyes are our focus, all day, every day.’
We do things a little differently here. Every aspect of your vision and eye health is important to us, and each one of you has a unique combination of needs. Our mission is to provide the best optometric care possible to meet those needs.
We use state-of-the-art technology for testing, the highest quality customised products, and the most personalised service. Our solutions span bespoke contact lenses, spectacles, vision training and therapeutic treatments. We support Australian made.
What We Do
Explore our comprehensive range of services, each designed to cater to your unique vision and eye health needs.
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Anterior Ocular Imaging
Anterior imaging (imaging of the front of the eye) is vital for detecting and...

Automated Refraction
Gone are the days of wearing an uncomfortable trial frame during your eye exa...

Blepharitis is a common chronic inflammatory condition of the eyelids. It makes your eyelids red, swollen, itchy and irritated. Blepharitis is one of the m

Convergence Insufficiency
Binocular vision disorders are conditions affecting how the eyes work togethe...

Digital Eye Strain
Love it or loathe it − the world we live in has become increasingly digital. More...

Flashes, Floaters, Retinal Tear & Detachment
The appearance of floaters and flashes of light in your vision may be alarmin...

Freedom of Information
The South Australian Freedom of Information Act (1991) allows you to access your...

In-Office Treatments for Dry Eye
Dry eye disease in its milder forms can often be combated with at-home treatm...

Iritis & Anterior Uveitis
Iritis is a condition which involves inflammation of the iris within the eye...

Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive disease of the part of our ...

Night Lenses (Ortho-K)
Orthokeratology lenses fitted by our optometrists in Adelaide or Henley Beach...

Optical Coherance Tomography Angiography (OCT-A)
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) is a non-invasive scan that creates a three-dimensional image of the network of blood vessels in your eye

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact, non-invasive technique t...

Optical Dispensary
The Optical Dispensary, proudly presented by Innovative Eye Care, is your ultimate luxury eyewear destination.

Optical and Ultrasound Biometry
An ocular biometer measures the size and shape of the eye, specifically axial...

Pterygium and Pinguecula
Pterygium and pingueculum are variants of the same condition in which the con...

Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
Rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses are made with stiff silicone polymer...

Scleral Contact Lenses
Sclerals are a larger type of RGP lens. It provides more contact with the scl...

Signs of a Vision Problem in Children
If any of these signs apply to your child and you are concerned about their v...

Soft Disposable Contact Lenses
Soft disposable contact lenses offer clear vision without wearing spectacles....

Sports Optometry and Sports Vision
In sports, the following phrases are often stated for good reason...

Subconjunctival Haemorrhage
This is a common and often quite alarming condition that results in the...

Treating Dry Eye Disease: Step-by-Step
Dry eye disease can be treated. Lubricating eye drops are helpful but are ine...

Visual Field Testing
Automated full-threshold visual field testing is an important assessment your...

Vivid Vision
Innovative Eye Care is the first practice in South Australia to exclusively offer the...

Wavefront Aberrometry
Innovative Eye Care’s Wakefield Street practice was the first Optometry practice in...
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