‘Your eyes are our focus, all day, every day.’
The optometrists of Innovative Eye Care have a wide scope of expertise. Our blog provides a platform for our practitioners and staff to share a little more about their professional interests and experiences. As well as some weird and wonderful case studies, you’ll be kept up to date with practice news, the latest research and treatment options, products we love and fashion trends in our retail space.
Dive into our blog for insightful articles, tips, and the latest updates in the world of optometry and eye care.
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Introducing Zest Blepharitis Treatment
ZEST (Zocular® Eyelid System Treatment), designed to tackle Dry Eye, Blepharitis, and Demodex mites. ZEST is an in-office procedure using a natural gel der

Case Report: Importance of a Full Eye Assessment
Patients with eye disease at the front of the eye, can also have eye disease at the back of the eye
Thank You For Your Referrals
At Innovative Eye Care, we’re deeply grateful for your ongoing support and loyalty...

Dry or watery eyes? The solution may be a plumbing job
In some ways your eyes are like a shower. You have a tear gland at the top that makes tears. These tears are constantly...

Colour vision deficiencies
Colour is not always as simple as it looks. Like many aspects of our perception and even memory, colours are shoehorned...

Vision training: there's more than meets the eye!
Optometrists are here to help you see better! There are a number of ways in which that can be achieved depending on the...

Coopervision MyDay Toric launch
Nearly all new contact lenses now use silicone as a vital component of the lens material - an innovation developed in

Sclerals changing the journey for keratoconus
It used to be that the vision journey for people with progressing keratoconus was that they would wear glasses until their...

Dry eye disease and the DEWS II
Dry eye disease is a common condition that coincides with a variety of signs, symptoms and environmental conditions...

Blepharitis and dry eye, chicken or the egg?
For many years, blepharitis and dry eye disease (DED) have been thought to be two distinct diseases, and evaporative dry...

Visual Snow
Visual Snow is a symptom which is often described as if television static, or the image of a de-tuned analogue TV, is seen...

The Link Between Healthy Eating and Healthy Eyes
Most people don’t immediately associate what they eat with their eye health (unless it’s “carrots help me see in the dark”...

Headaches, Eye-Aches and Vision Changes
A range of different forms of headaches occur with either pain around the eyes or with changes to vision and these...

Helpful or hype? Blue light filters
In recent years the conversation surrounding the effects of blue light has been steadily growing. What began as...

Contact Lens Recycling
Disposable contact lens wear does create waste. The amount varies with monthlies having about half the amount of...

Allergy Eye
Irritated, red, eyes can be caused by a number of different maladies but if itchiness is present then this symptom points...

13th Congress of the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania
The Orthokeratology Society of Oceania held its bi-annual congress on the Gold Coast at the beginning of October this...

Why Innovative Eye Care uses the same technology as NASA
During prolonged space-flight, astronauts can sometimes develop a condition known as spaceflight-associated neuro....

Miru Contact Lenses
See the world in a new way with Miru contact lenses. Developed with the latest Japanese technology, the name ‘Miru’...

Global Specialty Lens Symposium 2020
The annual Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS) was held in Las Vegas in January this year. The GSLS is the leading...

Congratulations to Pooja on her Publication
We’re extremely proud of our optometrist Pooja Bhindi, who recently had her research (developed at Flinders University...

How Do I Know If I Want A Multicoat?
One of the most common dispensing questions that gets asked is should I get a multicoat on my lenses. It is not a trivial...

Computer Vision Syndrome and Working from Home
Visual hygiene is a phrase that is often used in optometry, but it's a concept that can be confusing. It essentially involves...

Macula Month 2020
Macular Month is about reminding us of the importance of eye health, especially inside our eyes. When light enters our...

Things All Contact Lens Wearers Should Know
Contact lens care can be confusing, whether you’re new to wearing or you’re a long-time wearer...

Why can't I use tap water with my contact lenses?
There are certain pairings of things that simply do not mix well together; water and oil, orange juice and toothpaste, scotch and...

World Diabetes Day 2020
Diabetes is a condition which can affect many systems in the body. It occurs when the level of sugar (glucose)...

What are DIMS lenses? A new myopia control strategy
Myopia, or short-sightedness, causes blurry vision either because the eye has grown too long or because its focusing...

Discover Bolle
They are both very comfortable to wear with lens colours, densities and optics that make them both the sunglasses I reach...

Introducing Vivid Vision
Binocular vision disorders are conditions which affect how the eyes work together. They can often be associated with...

International Cornea and Contact Lens Congress 2022
In October 2022, the IEC optometrists team – Millie, Dylan, Lachlan and Pooja – jetted off to Sydney for the International...
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