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Everyday Eye Care

Lid Scrubs

Anterior Blepharitis is defined as inflammation of your eyelid margins. It affects the outside of your eyelids at the base of your eyelashes.

To manage blepharitis, eyelid hygiene (lid scrubs) once to twice a day is often recommended. As blepharitis is a chronic condition, eyelid hygiene must be routinely performed even the eyes are feeling better.

Before using any lid scrubs, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

There are two types of lid cleansers; spray cleaning or foam cleaning.

Spray Cleaning

  1. Clean any make up or debris from eyelids
  2. Gently close eyes and spray HypoChlor or Sterilid at eyelashes from 10cm away. Repeat for the other eye. Leave solution on eyes for maximal effect.

Alternatively, using 100% lint-free pad

  1. Spray solution onto pad until moistened
  2. Use one pad per eyelid
  3. Gently close eyes and apply moistened pad onto the base of the eyelashes, gently scrub using side to side motions for thirty seconds.

Foam Cleaning

  1. Clean any make up or debris from eyelids
  2. Pump OCuSOFT, OCuSOFT Platinium or Oust Demodex cleanser foam onto a lint-free cloth, pad or your fingertip. Use one pad per eyelid.
  3. Close eyes gently scrub lids at base of eyelashes in a side to side motion.  
  4. Leave on for best results for OCuSOFT, OCuSOFT Platinium, no rinsing necessary. Oust Demodex cleanser contains tea-tree oil which may cause irritation if it enters your eyes so rinse thoroughly after use.

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